Play your way

to $100k!

Why Play??

Did you know...

that creating a new neural pathway takes over 400 repetitions?? 


You do it through the energy of PLAY!

If PLAY is present,

it only takes 10-20 repetitions!

Now what is possible when we apply this to the world of Money?


The Money Game 3.0

~ play your way to $100k ~


❌ You have a vision for big abundance this year, but it feels overwhelming. You're not even sure it'sx possible.

❌ You've set big goals before, even made breakthroughs, but you still have the same money old woes.

❌ You want to Embody your Abundance, walk your talk, and start truly giving back, traveling, thriving, and modeling for those you lead.

❌ Despite having a positive attitude, you know that your inner Money Confidence needs an upgrade.

❌ You wish someone would recognize your hard work and just give you a RAISE already!

Amanda's Story:

The truth is, I have been in your shoes.

In 2019, I suddenly became the sole breadwinner in my household of 3, and it was daunting.

Raised as a good-girl workaholic, I first attempted to get an A+ at this job, and proceeded to work 24/7 "doing all the things" on full blast to try to get us ahead. 

I failed.  Or rather, that mindset failed me.
As hard as I worked, the deck was stacked against me. I would never get us ahead, and maybe not even keep us afloat if I didn't change my ways.

Let’s face it… if a Good Work Ethic was all it took, you'd be there already!

Me too.

But the good news is that the path to True Wealth didn't require more overwhelming, energy-depleting, hard work.  

It required several key Mindset Shifts... but not just Knowing them, actually USING them, Embodying them, Applying them to my life.

It's not WHAT you do, or HOW MUCH, but HOW you do your Money-Making activities that really moves the needle.

I found that I was not only able to make enough, I was able to make more money than ever before, and even start living our goals of frequent travel, homeownership, and philanthropy!

~Amanda Fuel

I w

What Past Players Say:


There are two big myths that keep your income set at the same old level:

Myth #1

It's about working HARDER and being more disciplined.

Trying “harder” is what we've been told makes more money, but do you know any hard-working people that can never seem to get ahead? I do.

Applying more PRESSURE to an already stressful situation often works against the FLOW of abundance. If you are leading others to a path of Peace & Prosperity, it's gotta start right now, with you.

So you may actually need to add in more Ease!

How do we add more Ease while still keeping the energy high?

It's called Fun! And you're gonna LOVE applying it to money.  

Myth #2

If I can just make more money, I'll be happy.

Did you know that 70% of lottery winners are broke within 1 year of winning? 

It's hard to believe, but we've found that money SUCCESS can be just as difficult to cope with as money Struggle. And this subconscious truth can keeps us stuck in the same old circumstances.

By clearing unconscious fears, regulating the nervous system for wealth, and focusing on the game of the week, you can play your way *slowly and sustainably* to a whole new level of financial freedom - let's make Success feel "normal" to our nervous system!

What shows up?

So, what is The Money Game?

The Money Game is a record-busting

habit-changing experience

where we open up your money flow

by playing the game of money differently.

It's 8 Essential Money Shifts

(1 new practice per week, for about 1 school year) 

Each week, we use a new game to create the inner shifts with

ease and fun

so you can stop working harder,

and instead, allow money, clients, gifts, and surprises

 to find YOU.

And how does it work?

Each month we bust through a different Wealth Barrier, replacing it with an Essential Money Shift

Week 1:

Use PLAY to gently introduce the new Essential Money Shift

to your brain

Try on evidence-based Millionaire Mindsets.
We play the new game together LIVE over Zoom.

Start your week off laughing and winning your way to fresh money!

Week 2:

Clear any old Money Trauma that comes up around this Shift

Use our intensive Somatic & Subconscious-Clearing method to address your own personal resistance that comes up about this shift. 

We are LIVE over Zoom with a small cohort, so YOUR questions get answered.

Week 3:

Align with the new Shift by taking 1 new Embodiment Action

Integrate your new shifts, using our Acclimation Activities, LIVE on Zoom, to slowly increase your capacity for feeling good about money.

Hear what's working for others, and reinforce a positive experience of money & healthy wealth.

Week 4:

Track your Progress & Celebrate Wins!

By tracking our wins LIVE together, we ensure you have no wasted weeks - no derailing or getting stuck.

Players are surprised to find they need a place to share their BIG WINS safely, before sharing with others outside the game. This is the best part of growing in community!

Ok, So What Happens?!?

One of the most fun aspects is that WE DON'T KNOW all that will happen for you during the game... 

Money comes from BOTH practical AND magical places you don't always expect.

You'll learn how to allow it, savor it, and let it take you to the next level.

Just a few of the exciting wins that have turned up for past players:

Money Wins - $1,000 - $10,000

Found a surprise $1,100 in her HSA

$1,111 Largest-yet Gofundme Investor, just 15 mins after first call

$1325 Property tax appeal granted

$1500 Gift from months ago, mysterious found

$1500 Fee from IRS totally forgiven!

$2500 Raise at work

$2700 Raised prices for 2 new clients

$3,000 Gift from relative to "make it fair" when another relative needed money

$3,000 Saved on business supplies due to perfect timing

$3500 Past due client caught up and then paid for whole year

$3,500 Course tuition waived

$4,000 Commission from house FINALLY under contract after 9 months

$4,100 A surprise check for her home's mineral rights

​$4,100 Client finally decided and paid in full

$4,400 Commission moved up 10 days to close before end of game, lol!

$4,500 For 2 speaking gigs that she would have done for free

$4,800 New Client, paid in full

$6,000 Exclusive monthly deal with a vendor

$6,200 Grant awarded

2014 Subaru 100% freely gifted, without asking!

$7,400 Business loan granted

$7,500 Grant from the city

$10,000 New client said yes after just 1 conversation

Money Wins - $10,000 - $30,000

$10,000 New client said yes after just 1 conversation

$10,800 Spouse's rerceived raise at work

Hit her first 5-figure week!

$11,750 Largest contract to date

$14,000 Car given without asking!

$15,000 Annual tax-free gift from an estate

$17,000 Largest invoice sent for least work offered

$19,500 1st big corporate speaking contract accepted then doubled! With the Dept of Justice

$20,000 Gift to keep her biz going through a tough personal experience

$21,000 Revenue in one month, breaking her previous record

$28,000 Gift to start a new business

Money Wins - $30,000+

$30,000 Gift for the purchase of a new home, offered and closed during the game!

$35,000 Holding half her goal in her hands with just 3 checks

$37,300 in additional new clients

$40,000 New year-long client said YES

$50,000 Raise at work!

$50,000 Gift as an investment in her business growth

$55,000 Spouse suddenly found a better job

New job offered without looking - 32 hours per week!

$61,000 unexpected inheritance money received

Acheived her best year's total by end of Quarter 1

Sales up 129% by middle of the year

Received 344% of her audacious goal

$200,000 - Sudden increase in her home value

Finally sold her $2 million property after 2+ years on the market

$3-5 million contract for her dream project, including traveling across the country

$$$$??  Property lines mysteriously redrawn to create access to mineral rights NOW instead of decades later...

Disclaimer: These results ARE typical. It is expected that every player will have more than one breakthrough money experience.

We use PLAY to get RESULTS.

❌ No more shame, blame, or shoulds about money

❌ No more comparison and stigma about your money or your worth

❌ No more villainizing it, clutching to it, fearing or worrying about it

❌ No more feeling like it controls you, or setting High-Pressure Goals...

Here, we do High-PLEASURE Goals!

✅ Give yourself a big juicy raise in 2024 - while reducing stress

✅ Clear your Wealth Barriers and stop the cycle of money trauma

✅ Finally have a peaceful and trusting relationship with Money, one that you can count on


+ 8 payments of $495

Or, pay-in-full and save $455.

Through May 22, pay just $333/month or $3300 total:

A year from today you could be proud to have shifted your Money Story from tragedy to

triumph, and be actually attaining (and maintaining!) the goals you set...


You could still be working harder and harder while getting farther behind,

wondering if you should change careers, or why money is STILL working against you.

It sucks, but it's true.

Please Don't Sign Up If...

* You are only hoping to make your money back. We are not looking to help you make an extra $5,000, or just enough to recoup your investment. We are looking for those who want to give themselves a 10%-100% raise this year. Goals of at least $20,000 extra dollars or more will do best in this game. 

* You do not believe in BOTH Inspired Action AND Effortless Manifestation. This is not a game about Information, it's a game for Implementation. We don't use Action to force results - we do use Action to honor and amplify the new feelings we have inside.

* You aren't quite sure if there is a real connection between the Mind & Body, or if how we think about something really can change our experience of life. We've got some books and videos for you to start with instead.

We LOVE each player and cheer them on to their unique dreams!

Based on our results to-date, the pricing for each piece of this program should be:

THREE expert coaches for maximum attention  &  three layers of shift   (??!?)

✅ 32 Money Game Zoom Sessions - LIVE on Money Mondays, 9-10am MTN   ($6,400)

32 LIVE Bonus Calls  ($3,200)

✅ The Money Game Playbook to use during the calls and track every shift and win   ($295)

✅ Facilitated facebook group for focus, implementation, and accountability  ($3,200)

✅ Access for 1 year to the games, recordings, and community  ($1,000)


Bonus 1: Surprise Supplies! Your Goodie Box sent to assist you in playing the games fully ($495)

✅ ✅ Bonus 2:  The 2-hour Money Map, LIVE (and recorded) to customize your game  ($597)

✅ ✅ ✅ Bonus 3: Our unique 11-Day Momentum Games in August AND April  ($888)

TOTAL VALUE: $16,075

But for this year's game, we are keeping the price under $5,000.

Early Bird Pricing before 8/30: $4,455

(or $4,000 when you pay in full)

Through May 22, pay just $333/month or $3300 total:

Claim your spot now:




Amanda Fuel

           Playful Powerful Leadership

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